If it does, the problem is likely with the battery; however, if the laptop does not turn on, the battery is not the issue. Once someone is sure that the battery is the problem, he should try to remove the battery and put it back in the laptop. For maximum safety, it is a good idea to unplug the laptop from the power before removing the battery. Batteries are located on the bottom of laptops, so to remove one, people need to flip their laptop over. The battery will be in a compartment or it will simply slide into the laptop. To remove the battery, people should open the compartment and gently slide it out, or simply slide it out of the back of the computer if there is no compartment. There may be a latch, so people should check to make sure nothing is preventing the battery from sliding out.
People should not try to force the battery out; if it is not sliding, force will only cause damage to the computer. Once the battery is removed, people should simply slide it back in and make sure that all connections are tight. To test to see if this worked, people need to plug the computer in and turn it on. After an hour, he can unplug the power cord. If the computer stays on, the problem is solved. On the other hand, there are a number of inexpensive aftermarket laptop batteries that are sometimes less than 50 percent of the cost of a new HP battery. The downside is that aftermarket batteries do not always fit into laptops perfectly, and they usually only come with limited warranties, if any. The reliability of the battery will depend on who the manufacturer is, so it is important for people to do research before purchasing a third-party battery. That said, it can be the most economical option when an older HP laptop won’t charge the battery. Power Socket Repairs are becoming common place now according to Author and PCB expert Lee Matthews.
I had a computer class with twenty or so networked TRS-80 computers in a small room. Mr. Pignata taught us basic programming with simple lines of code "goto" and "if then" statements. We were ten-years-old. Looking back, we were some of the luckiest kids around to have access to that equipment at such a young age. My brothers and I begged our mother for a computer and she bought us an Apple II Plus. We used that computer every day playing games, using VisiCalc, Bank Street Writer, and writing our own simple programs. In the early '90s, attending Columbia Business School, we were required to purchase a PC-based laptop. The internet was at its infancy. Again, lucky timing for me. Marc Andreessen had created Mosaic and we were using it to learn how to create websites using basic hypertext markup language, or HTML. I loved that class. I wish I could find the website I built which, I am certain, is on a floppy disk somewhere at my mom's house.