The manufacturers will NEVER read this. They're pro non-choice and big money. It's a sinking ship. I beg to disagree - I say avoid Glossy at all costs! Sorry, but its not as plain & simple as the way you think. I'm photosensitive, so I need Matte even though I'm not mobile. It's sickening the way big industry always wins out over health issues (in this case, glossy winning out over matte, which only satisfies the YOUNG BRAWNY people of the world. Speak of big industry, the Unhealthcare-system itself has turned into Big Industry. Basically, NON-COMPASSION always wins in today's horrific world. Whoever is giving "respect" to Samsung, think again. It's the Samsung standalone-LCD which long ago zapped my eyes, so that my eyes are currently prematurely headed to cataracts. That's because they had not enabled dimming brightness down to what I needed, unlike others available at the time. It may look good in a showroom, but Glossy Screen have SO much glare it sucks.
Matte screens are bright and fine for most work. Why would you rather have better graphics than performance, Always go for Glossy if u have a desktop no matter what. If u have a laptop and are always on the move with it like going to school or work or where ever then you want Matte. Plan and simple ppl. Matte or Glossy, That's a Damn! Well like some of the other posters said it all depends on the user I choose matte Why, So I am not looking all the dust the glossy ones collect and someone elses fingerprint left behind from where somebody pointed at something on the screen. I wrote up some related thoughts today in my blog. Matte is terrible. The screen feels like cheap plastic and the actual visual display is horrible- cheap grainy look all over the screen along with washed out colours and awful brightness. I absolutely hate matte screens.
When the engineer upgraded my 900p gloss screen to 1080p matte screen I was horrified by the result that I immediately have decided to retain my original 900p gloss screen. Gloss is better than matte. When viewing HD content, only do so on gloss, where the true colours and depth can be seen. No point having 1080p with a matte screen, when 900p gloss makes everything look more high definition with better colours and brightness. As for anti-glare advantages, who cares. Just turn the lights off or close the curtains if reflection is a huge issue, not that it really is for most people. At least with gloss, the true colours, high definition and smoothness can be retained at a high level, even for 1600x900 screen. Mattes are also outdated and used mostly in offices. Stick to gloss- best decision you will ever make. I think matte is better than glossy but it also depends. Acer have heavy coating which makes it really dark even outside so its hard to see. HP's matte laptops are great.
I haven't tried a Samsung with matte but i hope it is as good or better than HP's. I try to find matte. But i see so many glossy, a few matte. Finally, i buy a glossy and it's a mistake. So i try to find a new notebook with matte. The markets are full of glossy. Absolutely, i don't understand why people like note , I think it's all about the requirements of the user. Manufacturers should conduct more surveys, more focus groups, and more testing at user level and then put this feedback into production. Additionally and separately, manufacturers should employ users to produce the manuals for said products because when have you ever encountered a manual that was complete, clear and without error, Re: matte vrs glossy: I agree that the matte screens are less reflective, easier on the eye but I'm not going to impose my view (no pun intended) on someone who prefers glossy. Rather than argue for one or the other, I beg to argue for choice.