1. Linux is one of the oldest operating systems in use and it is completely free. This system was created by a hobbyist and wasn’t taken seriously for many years, but it is still around and considered one of the best shareware programs. 2. Mac OSX is Apple’s version of a graphic operating system. It is a high-functioning program that turns a regular cell phone into a high-tech smartphone. Easy Plugin for AdSense. Suppress this ad slot. 3. Solaris is Microsystem’s platform supported by Dell, HP and IBM. It is a trusted name in computers and smartphones. It works on a variety of interfaces to meet the growing demand for mobile PC usage. 4. Palm OS is based on the PDAs that hit the market in 1996. It is exceptional at keeping information organized and makes file management and storage a breeze. It is easy to use, has high graphic resolution, and uses a touch- screen model. 5. Microsoft Windows is probably the most recognized of the OS software programs.
It makes Internet use on-the-go a reality. Will Smartphones Replace Laptops or Home Computers, Smartphones are high-end technical gadgets that are convenient because they combine cell phone features with organization and Internet access. New versions with improved features and greater capacity continue to emerge. Smartphones probably won’t replace laptops or home computers, though. As intelligent and sophisticated as smartphones are, they are not practical for long-term use. Smartphones are great supplemental tools for business, home office and entertainment purposes. But try spending eight hours in front of a tiny screen, reading, texting, copying or any other tasks you would normally do on your computer. It would not be a pleasant experience. The future of smartphones is promising. We can look forward to increased battery power, larger memory capacity, the ability to watch TV and movies on the phone and the ability to be connected anytime, anywhere. Aside from better functionality, smartphones will be available in a variety of versions to appeal to a wider audience. As the competition for smartphones increases, the prices are dropping and they are becoming more accessible to everyone. NOTE: This article may not be reproduced without this information intact with working links.
Acer laptops have been found to have a high performance and durability. Let’s check out some handpicked Acer laptops. This machine has been carefully crafted for a smooth and clean look - avoiding unnecessary lines. The screen has an anti-glare finish and is perfect for working on the couch. The keyboard is comfortable and the touchpad works well. But the touchpad becomes unsmooth when you have a sweaty hand. This budget-friendly laptop packs a lot of amazing features in a little package. It has a large, clear, bright, and vibrant screen with a viewing angle of almost 180-degrees. Plus anti-glare finish. The keyboard gives you a natural feeling and the trackpad is big and easy to use. It doesn’t have a wired internet port. Now, you’ve seen the specs, pros, and cons of 17 laptops from the 6 best brands. You have everything you need to make the right choice. All you have to do is to weigh the pros and cons … and choose the right laptop that suits your desire and matches your lifestyle. Enter your email address to get more of it in your inbox.