A laptop should be protected. You may wondering why you can't just slap a sleeve on it and toss it any old bag. Why do you need a “laptop” bag, The sleeve will only really protect it against scratches. Laptop bags provide extra padding and holds your laptop securely in place. They protect your laptop against the bumps and bouncing that a protector sleeve can't. Although the first generation of laptop bags was rather generic looking, you will find an endless array of bags, totes, briefcases, and backpacks in a wide variety of styles and designs today. A laptop bag is more than a bag for your laptop. It's a bag designed around your life. Or it should be if you've done your homework. When thinking about going out to buy laptop bags, there are a few things to keep in mind. How much “other” stuff will you be carrying around, It has to be built to meet the demands of your everyday life. This will include what you bring or how often you travel. Another thing to consider also is the ease the bags rests on your shoulders. Most people take at least the AC power adapter.
Many more take everything from a mouse to speakers to printers. Students or business gurus may need to cart around extra books and reports. Travelers may want to fit in camera equipment, travel guides, maps, an extra set of clothes or a jacket, anything they are not comfortable leaving back at the hostel or hotel. Some may see it as a catch-all for wallets, keys, cell phones, mp3 players, pens, pencils, hairbrushes, make-up kits, or you name it. It really depends on you. It's also very aesthetic, but you should also consider the color, style, and "feel" of your laptop bag. Does it represent who you are, Some may be interested in pink laptop bags if they want to express their girly and chique side. A pink laptop bag on your desk would go great next to your pink office supplies. If you aren't one for all things girly, consider other stylish laptop bags like designer laptop bags or leather laptop bags.
A leather bag would be great for business needs. Aesthetics may not be your number one concern if you're a frequent traveler - if so, you may want to check out a TSA approved laptop bag which can help cut down time at checkpoints. Your laptop bags main function is to protect your precious laptop. However, how you travel has an impact on how well the bag can do its job. The bag of a cyclist or subway commuter should be more sturdy than that of the carpool commuter. If your bag is likely to be bouncing around and bumping into things or people on its daily journey, it needs to be made of thicker materials and have extra padding. Reinforced corners may be a plus. If your laptop will be driven and then walked into the office each day, this isn't such a priority unless you are prone to dropping things in which case you may want to get that extra solid bag. For those needing ruggedness, a hard shell backpack or briefcase is an option. If this seems a bit extreme, there are plenty of very sturdy soft shell backpacks or briefcases around.
Solid laptop bags are a good choice for casual commuter or student. Airline travelers (especially those with international destinations) may want to consider TSA approved laptop bags which shortens your trip through security. These laptop bags have a separate compartment with a clear view of the laptop. They open wide and lays flat so that you don't have to remove your laptop for security to do their inspection. 150 depending on the kinds available. 40. This is the ordinary type of bags and can be used for the usual every day travel. 50 and above. These are worth saving for and buying as they tend to last longer. You will feel the difference in the padding and see the detail in the product. These can be bought online or from select stores. 350, these are more than just ordinary laptop bags, they come with rollers and even have enough room for a day’s worth of clothes to fit in.