This not your typical computer although just about all people might not be able to realize that. You can equate it to a novice driver driver navigating a high powered race car in rush hour traffic. When you are on a Windows machine, problems often arise due to upgrade issues. Even though several tools come with Windows, you cannot forever count on them. HP has a Support Assistant that is always on the lookout for updates. Your computer system will run smoothly with the help you receive from the Support Assistant and the updates it downloads. This is similar to System Restore and Disk Cleanup, but the added help offered by HP is what makes it worth it. A tech support is simply a phone call away. 5000 for this HP EliteBook laptop but it includes a three-year warranty. Whatever goes wrong with your system, a technician will be sent over to fix any problem your computer has. You can choose when you need them to come. This is a nice option even though not everyone will opt to take advantage of it. It is a good way for HP to show their customers that they believe in what they are offering, and are willing to support it. Easy Plugin for AdSense. Suppress this ad slot. There may be a few negatives with the HP EliteBook 8740w Mobile Workstation, but it still outperforms its rival. If you are looking for mobility and power, this HP EliteBook laptop model will provide it for you. This workstation will supply all the power and flexibility that you need.
So, despite a few annoyances, you really can’t go wrong with the DV6000 if you are looking for a solid, balanced work notebook without spending too much money. While I have not had the wireless problems many have been complaining about in the comments, I have had another problem - the battery (maybe). The battery seems to not accept a charge anymore, and Windows says “plugged in, not charging” when I hover over the battery icon in the taskbar. So, HP is currently sending me a new battery and we’ll see if that fixes it. I guess this is the kind of thing you deal with when you buy cheap notebook computers. Comments for this article have now been closed. This was done because people were using as a means of getting HP support. This article is not an official HP support channel for problems that may occur with the DV6000 product.
Laptops commonly get exceedingly hot when left on for too long. Stagnant air below the laptop heats up and can’t escape, causing it to overheat. And do you start to feel annoying pain in your hands after typing on the laptop keyboard for too long, If so, you’re not alone. The HP docking station was designed to conquer both of these issues, and I highly recommend it. You can also opt for a laptop stand if it suits your needs better. Designed to create an angle for the laptop so that the part closest to the screen is elevated, docking stations and laptop stands serve a similar purpose to the tiny legs on a standard keyboard. Finally, you can type for long periods of time without the pain that used to accompany it! The only other problem left to address is the issue of overheating, and a docking station solves that too. Since you own a laptop, you’re probably quite mobile, right,