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Typically, successful "agents" have paid their due's meaning rising up through employee type positions than on to their own businesses as Independent Agents. If they have great management, customer service, sales and shipper/carrier relationships when starting than it can and is a rewarding step to career advancement.. Hi, in my view to working as employee with Freight Broker would be more realistic than Freight Broker Agent. This is due to the intricate handlings and formalities but end concluding a small amount of sum or rather competitive as shippers are looking for cost effective as the trade are not that lucrative.
Warehouser, thank you for your comments. Our goal with this article is to help others considering entering the field a realistic picture of what the job entails. Be it as a direct employee or as an independent who manages and services their own shipper book and carrier relationships. Not as easy as some of the "learn how to's" programs claim. Its a serious profession where successful "brokers, agents, 3PL's " have years of experience to develop their professional skills. This is one of the more thorough articles I've read online when it comes to the 3PL / warehousing industries. Sometimes finding reliable warehouse fulfillment services business can be overwhelming .
Jeremy, Driving is a difficult job for those that have the calling and are biz savvy with relationship building skills, meaning connecting to profit gen. lanes, shippers or brokers than it can be a nice living. Can drivers be good freight agents, Nothing in this world that produces income is easy. Success in any industry requires skill, know how and consistent effort. Successful agent/brokers have awesome sales and relationship building skills, are very detail oriented and superior customer /shipper/ carrier service skills. They are tireless and available at all hours to get the job done and are excellent at trouble shooting.
Can a bad truck driver be a good agent/broker, It's a question i have been mulling over, I despise living OTR but I need a decent income and i grew up with truck drivers in the family, who exaggerated their income, I'm now starting to believe. I can understand and appreciate your situation. As you initially described driving and making sales calls while under current employ may be a tricky situation. I would recommend that you review your current contract with whom you drive for to make sure there is no conflict of interest or issue with soliciting shippers for a separate entity while on the clock/job.
As they are in the freight/shipping business too and solicit shippers. Have you talked to your current employer about transitioning to being an agent, either fully functional or in freight sales capacity, 3PL, truck or transport typically retaining a "shipper book" which you own or can port with you is a result of your own sales efforts and lead generation which are typically "independent" commission based type position vs. What ever situation or company you opt to team with its important that you carefully review your contract for who owns what rights. Thanks for the input. I would not be looking to get any loads for myself as an agent.
The company I am with is the only loads i would carry in my truck. I only have a 2500 Chevy cargo express. My whole goal is to get out of the truck and be a full time agent leading to a broker. Because of my financial situation I need somewhat of a steady income(kids, bills, etc). With the current company I work for it is all local with only some otr. I figure the income would be able to keep me going instead of trying to save up enough money to go all in. If being a broker didn't work I would be without any income if i dedicated 100% as an agent. I want to build up my book of shippers.
If it takes several years I would be ok with that if i had my current income still. I don't believe that I would make enough working for a broker or 3pl to start out with as an agent with no experience. Also getting the accounts isn't that easy. I wouldn't want to build up a book of shippers and then not be able to take it with me. I can't think of any other way to break into this industry because I am financially depended on. If I hire someone to run my truck i wouldn't make enough to cover my bills.
They also wouldn't keep my truck running as much if i'm not in it. Any other options out there, If you already have shipper customers that you are free to take with you vs. From your comments it appears that you will be attempting to wear 2 hats. One as an owner op soliciting shippers to load and one as an agent. That may get a little sticky as in that capacity you will need to be transparent with your shipper as well as that you have authority/approval from the broker which you are operating as an agent under. This is to make sure that your conducting your business in full compliance of all laws and regulations let alone all bonds licensing and that liability paths are clear. Meaning your truck is fully separate entity with all the proper licensing, good credit, insurance as required by law .
Operating out of your truck as an agent,, are you only looking to agent your "truck" loads or building a large shipper book, Managing multiple shippers requires a lot of attention to detail let alone being available and ready should anything should happen from pick up to delivery. If you are also driving at the same time you may find it difficult to properly service your shippers let alone your currently loaded 'truck' as both are on demand, time sensitive and require focus. Remember once a load is picked up, liability for that freight transfers, mistakes can result in loss or denial of payment due to improper paper work, missed timelines and a whole host of other issues.
So, really consider what it is that your wanting to do. Be an agent or be a owner op- driver, You may want to consider hiring a driver for your truck and using it as a resource - then committing full attention to being a agent, building shipper base and servicing your customers with the attention they deserve and expect. If you already have shippers, most brokers provide agents with loadboards and tools for FREE as part of their services package. How ever these situations require that you have a base of shipper clients typically and require that you have the ability to run an independent freight agent office. Hi, Great article. I have owned my own cargo van or box truck since the 90's. In between some of the years I have been in sales. I really excelled in sales setting records and winning trips.
The sales wasn't in any type of transportation. I started my own business that was lost in a divorce. The company was for less then a year and was a success. I now have the taste of running my own company. I got back into delivering with a cargo van. I want to combine the two as a freight agent. I was going to take their training course and they guarantee a position as a Freight Agent under their brokerage travelocity. Would this be a good route to take, I can keep my book of clients once I become a broker (which is the goal).
There is an issue that they say really ins't an issue. I would be making the calls out of my van to prospects. I would have access to the internet, my laptop and e-fax. I was able to do this for my past company and average 30-60 cold calls follow ups etc. I do not really have anyone to start out with. The company i am working for is really great to me and I wouldn't want to try to take any of their accounts. Its the only company I have really worked for in transportation. The income is good and they take care of me. 2. Do people work as a freight agent out of their truck if the broker is ok with it, 3. Any other advice.
H, you would be better off trying to start with a direct position even if that starts off in dispatch and migrates to agent. The article was about Freigt Broker Agents who work under logistics companies whom are termed "Brokers" There is a difference between the two - this is defined in the article. And this was covered under why and what to look out for "broker pays carrier in timely fashion" and other referrences to the Broker throughout the site. I loved the article, a few little things i may have added but probably the most in-depth single article i ever seen and that's says a lot i recruit agents for our company and read these all the time.
Very informative and comprehensive. So often you see the alluring side of a work-from-home business pitch but you don't very often see this kind of well-balanced approach. Phew, that's a huge amount of info packed into a small space - thanks! Wow - I never realized just what was really involved. Wow I never knew that. Wow, this is just the kind of information that I have been looking for. Great job on this hub! Wow. I just sent this link to a friend who might know someone who wants to change from a driving job as a trucker to something a little more stay-at-home. I clicked on this experienced freight broker agent job!
I was curious what this was. Wow, you've really done a bang-up job on this! I never even heard of a freight broker before, much less how much you have to know to become one. What an excellent article. Power packed and full of great info. Thanks for such in depth info! Wow, this article is chock full of content--almost a mini e-book in itself. Some solid information here, a good bit more than I ever knew during my days as an OTR (Over The Road) truck driver. And enough to convince me being a broker would be an even more horrible fate than owning my own rig! Since I don't really like paperwork OR having to pay too much attention to detail--give me a load and a delivery date/time, point me at the horizon, and turn me loose! Very good and detailed description.
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